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Brief CV |
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Personal data |
Name |
Steven Krauwer |
Date of birth |
March 20, 1946 |
Place of birth |
Hilversum (NL) |
Education and degrees |
1968 |
B.Sc., Mathematics and General Linguistics, Utrecht University |
1969--1970 |
Mathematical and Computational Linguistics, University of Copenhagen |
1971 |
M.Sc., Mathematics, Utrecht University |
Employment |
1972--2005 |
Lecturer and Researcher in Mathematical and Computational Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS, Faculty of Arts, Utrecht University |
2005-2015 |
Researcher and Project Manager in language and speech technology, Utrecht institute of Linguistics UiL OTS, Utrecht University |
2011--present |
Guest researcher at UiL OTS |
2012—2015 |
Executive Director of CLARIN ERIC |
2015--present |
Senior Advisor at CLARIN ERIC |
Research interests |
Initially mostly oriented towards the description of language by means of simple formal devices (especially Finite State Transducers, [8]). Participation in the CEC’s MT Project EUROTRA from 1980 until it ended in 1993. Main area of interest: formal and linguistic design issues (cf e.g. [4, 9]). In the second half of the 80s most of the time was spent on organisational issues (cf below). After the end of EUROTRA I took up the topic of evaluation (cf [5]), and this work was continued via participation in TEMAA (LRE-2 project on evaluation), and my participation in one of the EAGLES subgroups on standards and evaluation. In parallel I became interested in robust language processing. Work in this field (based on the combination of rule-based and statistical knowledge) was carried out in the context of the CLASK project (CEC International Collaboration) (cf [10, 11]). Machine Translation remains on my research agenda (cf [12],[13]). Ever since I took over the Coordination of ELSNET in 1995, the integration of language and speech (cf [14]), cooperation between academia and industry, interdisciplinarity and internationalization have become my main interests. During this period I have become interested in language and speech resources (cf [15],[16,[17]), especially for under-resourced and endangered languages (cf [18],[19]). Since 2005 I have been actively involved in the development of a common language resources infrastructure for the humanities, resulting in the CLARIN project (2008-2011). This project led to the creation of the Common Language resources and Technology Infrastructure (CLARIN, cf [20]), of which I became the first executive director (2012-2015). |
Organisation and administration |
1980—93 |
Head of the Dutch EUROTRA group (Machine Translation) |
1990—2006 |
Programme Manager STT (Foundation for Language Technology) |
1993 |
Co-chair of the Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, EACL93 (Utrecht) |
1995—2004 |
Coordinator of ELSNET, the European Network in Human Language Technologies |
1996—present |
Chairman of the Board of the ELSNET Foundation |
1996—2008 |
Member of the Editorial Board of Machine Translation (MTJ) |
1997 |
Organiser of the Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, (MTSLT97) organized in conjunction with EACL/ACL97 in Madrid |
1998 |
Chair and Organiser of the conference ELSNET in WONDERLAND (Soesterberg) |
1998 |
Co-chair and Organiser of the workshop Towards a European Evaluation Infrastructure for Language and Speech (TEEILS98) in conjunction with LREC in Granada |
1999 |
Co-chair of the EACL99 Workshop on Internet Supported Education in Language and Speech (ISELS99) |
2000 |
Co-chair of the ACL2000 Workshop on Infrastructures for Global Collaboration (IGC2000) |
2001 |
Co-chair of the EACL/ACL2001 Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources (STR2001) |
2001 |
Co-chair of the EACL/ACL2001 Workshop on Arabic NLP (ANLP2001) |
2001 |
Co-chair of the EACL/ACL2001 Workshop on HLT for Knowledge Management (HLTKM2001) |
2001 |
Chair of the MT Summit MT Roadmap Workshop (MT2010) |
2002 |
2002 |
Chair of the Resources Roadmap Workshop at LREC 2002 (RRM2002) |
2002 |
Chair of the Computational Linguistics Roadmap Workshop at COLING 2002 in Taipei |
2002/2003 |
2003 |
Co-chair of the workshop entitled International Roadmap for Language Resources in Paris |
2003 |
Co-organiser of the special session at Eurospeech 2003 (Geneva) entitled Towards a Roadmap for Speech Technology |
2004 |
Co-coordinator of the Conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools Conference in Cairo |
2004 |
Co-organiser of the Language Resources and Evaluation Roadmap workshop at LREC2004 (Lisbon) |
2004 |
Co-organiser of the Computational Linguistics Resources Panel at COLING (Geneva) |
2005/2006 |
Sponsorship Chair of the COLING/ACL 2006 Conference in Sydney |
2006 |
Co-organiser of the Workshop on Quality Assessment and Validation of Language Resources at LREC (Genoa) |
2006—present |
Member of the Executive Committee of FEL, the Foundation for Endangered Languages |
2008—2011 |
Coordinator of CLARIN, the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (EC project) |
2012--2015 |
Executive Director of CLARIN ERIC |
2015-present |
Senior Advisor at CLARIN ERIC |
Steven Krauwer — Selected Publications |
[1] |
Doug Arnold, Louis des Tombe, Lieven Jaspaert, Rod Johnson, Steven Krauwer, Mike Rosner, Nino Varile, and Susan Warwick. A preliminary linguistic framework for Eurotra. In Proceedings of the Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages, pages 283—289, 1985. |
[2] |
Doug Arnold, Louis des Tombe, Lieven Jaspaert, Rod Johnson, Steven Krauwer, Mike Rosner, Nino Varile, and Susan Warwick. A mu-1 view of the < C;A>; T framework in Eurotra. In Proceedings of the Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages, pages 1—14, 1985. |
[3] |
Doug Arnold, Steven Krauwer, Mike Rosner, Louis des Tombe, and Nino Varile. The < C;A>; T framework in Eurotra: a theoretically committed notation for MT. In Proceedings of COLING-86, pages 297—303, 1986. |
[4] |
Rod Johnson, Steven Krauwer, Mike Rosner, and Nino Varile. The design of the kernel architecture for the Eurotra software. In Proceedings of COLING-84, pages 226—235, 1984. |
[5] |
Steven Krauwer. Evaluation of MT systems: A programmatic view. Machine Translation, 8(1—2):59—66, 1993. |
[6] |
Steven Krauwer and Louis des Tombe. Reflections on transfer in machine translation. Contrastes, Revue de l’Association pour le Development des ‘Etudes Contrastives, pages 69—80, January 1984. |
[7] |
Steven Krauwer and Louis des Tombe. Transfer in a multilingual MT system. In Proceedings of COLING-84, pages 464—467, 1984. |
[8] |
Steven Krauwer and Louis des Tombe. Transducers and grammars as theories of language. Theoretical Linguistics, 8(1—3):173—201, 1981. |
[9] |
Dominique Petitpierre, Steven Krauwer, Louis des Tombe, Doug Arnold, and Nino Varile. A model for preference. In Proceedings of the European ACL, pages 134—139, 1987. |
[10] |
Khalil Sima’an, Rens Bod, Steven Krauwer, and Remco Scha. Efficient Disambiguation by means of Stochastic Tree Substitution Grammars. In Proceedings NeMLaP’92, Manchester, UMIST, September 1994. |
[11] |
Rens Bod, Steven Krauwer, Khalil Sima’an, and Michel Simard. CLASK Draft Final Report. Utrecht, March 1996. |
[12] |
Steven Krauwer. Some thoughts on the current state of machine translation. In Proceedings of the ELSNET Goes East and IMACS workshop, Moscow, November 1995. |
[13] |
Steven Krauwer. One the Role of Machine Translation in the Multilingual Information Society. In Proceedings of SPECOM-96, St Petersburg, October 1996. |
[14] |
Steven Krauwer (guest editor). Spoken Language Translation. Special Issue of Machine Translation, Kluwer, 2000. |
[15] |
Krauwer, S., ‘The Basic Language Resource Kit (BLARK) as the First Milestone for the Language Resources Roadmap’. In: (red.) Proceedings of SPECOM 2003. Moscow, 2003. Pp. 8-pp. |
[16] |
Krauwer, S. (2004). NEMLAR: Arabic Language Resources and Tools.. In M. Nikkhou (Ed.), Proceedings of the NEMLAR International Conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools (pp. 42-49). Paris. |
[17] |
Krauwer, S. (2004). The European Resources Landscape.. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposioum on Large-scale Knowledge Resources [LKR2004] (pp. 13-17). Tokyo |
[18] |
Krauwer, S. (2005). How to survive in a multilingual EU. In Margit Langemets & Priit Penjam (Eds.), Proceedings of the Second Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (pp. 61-66). Tallinn: Institute of Cybernetics & Institute of the Estonian Language. |
[19] |
Krauwer, S. (2006). Strengthening the smaller languages in Europe: Why and How?. In: Galia Angelova, Kiril Simov, Milena Slavcheva (Editors): Readings in Multilinguality, Shoumen, Bulgaria. |
[20] |
Hinrichs, Erhard and Steven Krauwer (2014). The CLARIN Research Infrastructure: Resources and Tools for eHumanities Scholars. In: LREC2014 Proceedings, Reykjavik, May 2014. |
Steven Krauwer (s.krauwer@uu.nl) | Utrecht Institute of Linguistics UiL OTS |
Phone +31 30 253 6050 | Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University |
[Page last modified: 27-10-2024] | Drift 10, 3512 BS Utrecht, Netherlands |