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Full nameCLARIN Knowledge Centre for Polish Language Technology
Short namePolLinguaTec
Hosted by(1) CLARIN-PL Language Technology Centre, a part of Department of Computational Intelligence, Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
City of main hubWroclaw
Country of main hubPL
Active since2017-11-20
Area of competenceProvides wide knowledge on the methods of natural language analysis with a special emphasis put on the analysis of Polish language. Offers support for all types of applications of Language Technology for Polish, both mono and multilingual ones.
Audiences- linguists
- computational linguists
- economists
- sociologists
- psychologists
- media researchers
- researchers of communication
- literature researchers
Types of services- Helpdesk
- Technical support
- Training
Language portal for- Polish
Other languages covered- English
- German
- Russian
- Ukrainian
- Bulgarian
- Lithuanian
- French
- Spanish
- Hungarian
- Hebrew
Modalities covered- Audio: speech
- Text
Linguistic topics- semantics
- morphology
- syntax
- phonetics
- discourse analysis
- stylistics
- phraseology
- lexicography
- terminology
- translation studies
Language processing topics- Polish language processing
- topic modeling
- stylometry
- speech recognition
- named entity recognition
- corpora creation and management
- parallel corpora
- wordnets
- text mining
- information extraction
- word sense disambiguation
Data types- corpora
- dictionaries
- records of speech
- language models
- treebanks
- wordnets
Resource families- Literary corpora
- Newspaper corpora
- Parliamentary corpora
- Parallel corpora
- Spoken corpora
Generic topics- Data management
- Legal issues
- Machine learning
- Metadata
- Standards
- Language normalisation
- Data acquisition
- Support in preparing grants' proposals
Other keywords
Tour de CLARIN introduction https://www.clarin.eu/blog/tour-de-clarin-knowledge-centre-polish-language-technology
Tour de CLARIN interviewhttps://www.clarin.eu/blog/tour-de-clarin-interview-dominika-hadro
Last update2021-04-20 16:52:14